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  1. AGL Development
  2. SPEC-3169

Improve salvator board feature and each recipe


    • Renesas H3, Renesas M3

      Main support board of R-Car is Starter Kit (aka SK, ulcb) then AGL take care of Starter kit to build, test and submit patches.

      R-Car salvator-x is limitation board. It is not community board, so AGL can't support it officially. However, many configuration is same and we can unify many things.

      SOC_FAMILY name is
      _ulcb : only use h3ulcb and m3ulcb
      _salvator-x : for salvator (H3, M3)
      _ebisu : for Ebisu board
      _rcar-gen3 : for all R-Car SoC

        1. AGL-Rcar-config_v3.svg
          13 kB
        2. AGL_RCAR_config-1.svg
          21 kB
        3. AGL_RCAR_config.svg
          21 kB
        4. AGL_RCAR_config_V2-1.svg
          20 kB
        5. AGL_RCAR_config_V2.svg
          20 kB
        6. 0001-RCAR-Support-Salvator-X-XS-board-V2.patch
          3 kB
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            harunobu.kurokawa Harunobu Kurokawa
            harunobu.kurokawa Harunobu Kurokawa
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