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  1. AGL Development
  2. SPEC-840

blocked low-can data


      I am trying to show can data in dashboard by using low-can-service.

      SW:AGL version Dab4.0.0
      HW:Renesas m3ulcb

      By adding require-api<low-can-service> in dashboard, it will get data in dashboard. But I got a problem that may be block a lot of data in some time. Problem detail:
      1)when dashboard started,subscribe to low-can-service by websocket.,and print log when receive can data.
      2)use canplayer to continuously send data to vcan0
      3)use "journalctl -f" to check can data.
      4)change from dashboard screen to homescreen screen. you can see that, dashboard can't received event from low-can-service.
      5)wait 5~10 minute in homescreen, then return to dashboard screen, at this moment dashboard received a lot of events in once time, so dashboard can't receive any new event about 10~30 seconds(canplayer continuously sending data to vcan0).

      Based on the above, I thought when dashboard is hided, if low-cam-service still continuously sending data to app, it will cause a lot of data blocked. May be caused other problems. So I thought its maybe an issue about app framework, can app framework fix this issue?
      My solution is add a dbus signal in windowmanager when app layer display status has changed,while app receive this signal, it can unsubscribe to low-can-service.
      More details was in SPEC-712.

        1. dashboard.tar.gz
          1.15 MB
        2. can-engine.speed-1000.log
          1 kB
        3. dashboard.tar.gz
          1.15 MB
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