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  1. AGL Development
  2. SPEC-4339

set_app_property before create_surface results in xdg_toplevel@configure(0, 0) for fullscreen surface


    • Renesas H3

      I run weston-simple-egl with a local change to set app_property/app_id/xdg_fullscreen

      [480403.736]  -> agl_shell_desktop@9.set_app_property("simple-egl", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, wl_output@8)
      [480403.798]  -> wl_compositor@4.create_surface(new id wl_surface@10)
      [480404.729]  -> xdg_wm_base@7.get_xdg_surface(new id xdg_surface@13, wl_surface@10)
      [480404.768]  -> xdg_surface@13.get_toplevel(new id xdg_toplevel@14)
      [480404.785]  -> xdg_toplevel@14.set_title("simple-egl")
      [480404.797]  -> xdg_toplevel@14.set_app_id("simple-egl")
      [480404.809]  -> xdg_toplevel@14.set_fullscreen(wl_output@8)
      [480404.823]  -> wl_surface@10.commit()


      [480412.925] xdg_toplevel@14.configure(0, 0, array)

      Note, this problem is not reproduced if I move set_app_property after commit.

      Note, "set_app_property_mode(1)" does not help.

        1. swapbuffers-stuck-compositor-wayland.log
          22 kB
        2. swapbuffers-stuck-compositor.log
          9 kB
        3. swapbuffers-stuck-app-wayland.log
          7 kB
        4. recipes-opsy.tar
          80 kB
        5. recipes-graphics.tar
          20 kB
        6. compositor-wayland.log
          26 kB
        7. compositor.log
          9 kB
        8. app.log
          9 kB
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            mvlad Marius Vlad
            opsyvvavrychuk Vasyl Vavrychuk
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