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  1. AGL Development
  2. SPEC-4231

Mediaplayer demo update required for Marlin


      At present the Qt mediaplayer demo app has not yet been converted to run without the old app framework, some form of update is required to be able to easily demonstrate audio for Marlin.

      Known complications:

      • The agl-service-mediaplayer binding was providing most of the functionality, and it makes a lot of use of agl-service-mediascanner to pull playlists from lightmediascanner.  We will likely have to do something along the lines of refactoring out the lightmediascanner code to reuse unless we either build a new API with new IPC out of the old bindings, or find some other simple way to manage media discovery and wire that up to either refactored out binding gstreamer code or QtMultimedia.
      • The Bluetooth support was done using agl-service-bluetooth.  In theory, that can be replaced now with using the refactored out bluez-glib library via libqtappfw, but that'll need to be tested/debugged.


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            scottm Scott Murray
            scottm Scott Murray
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