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  1. AGL Development
  2. SPEC-4127

agl-shell-desktop protocol request set_app_property ignores output argument


      As it can be seen from logs attached to SPEC-4119, I am using set_app_property to put popup surface to HDMI-A-1 output:

      [1498813.338] zxdg_output_manager_v1@4.get_xdg_output(new id zxdg_output_v1@3, wl_output@6)
      [1498813.401]  -> zxdg_output_v1@3.logical_position(1080, 0)
      [1498813.447]  -> zxdg_output_v1@3.logical_size(1920, 1080)
      [1498813.494]  -> zxdg_output_v1@3.name("HDMI-A-1")
      [1498813.525]  -> zxdg_output_v1@3.done()
      [1498814.070] agl_shell_desktop@7.set_app_property("ivi-to-ic", 0, 640, 180, 0, 0, 640, 720, wl_output@6)

      But it is displayed on the HDMI-A-2. I have used following commands to collect screenshots:

      sh-5.0# agl-screenshooter -l
      Output 'HDMI-A-2', desc: '(null)'
      Output 'HDMI-A-1', desc: '(null)'
      sh-5.0# agl-screenshooter -o HDMI-A-2
      sh-5.0# mv agl-screenshot-2020-06-29_03-11-17.png HDMI-A-2.png
      sh-5.0# agl-screenshooter -o HDMI-A-1
      sh-5.0# mv agl-screenshot-2020-06-29_03-11-37.png HDMI-A-1.png

      As you can see there is black rectangle on HDMI-A-2. This is my popup window.

      I think reason of such behavior it that HDMI-A-2 comes first in outputs list.

        1. HDMI-A-1.png
          193 kB
          Vasyl Vavrychuk
        2. HDMI-A-2.png
          560 kB
          Vasyl Vavrychuk
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            mvlad Marius Vlad
            opsyvvavrychuk Vasyl Vavrychuk
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