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  1. AGL Development
  2. SPEC-3658

Add AGL reference hardware support


      Issue to track addition of AGL reference hardware support.  For reference, the known requirements are:

      • The ref h/w should if at all possible reuse the h3ulcb build with just a different devicetree file.  This avoids any changes to the current build / CI platforms.
      • The ref h/w should not require the meta-rcar-gen3-adas layer (aka Kingfisher support).  This avoids conflicts with the substantial kernel changes contained in that layer.
      • The firmware and U-Boot builds for the ref h/w are not required to be integrated into the h3ulcb build initially, and potentially ever.  This is driven by the ref h/w requiring incompatible build flags for the firmware.  It should be documented how to build them if someone does end up needing them.


        # Subject Branch Project Status CR V

            scottm Scott Murray
            scottm Scott Murray
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            5 Start watching this issue
