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  1. AGL Development
  2. SPEC-3424

Duplicate entries in bluetooth settings


      When issuing multiple requests to bluetooth service, the bluetooth settings dialog starts duplicating entries.

      The issue should easily be reproduced doing the following:

      Export a phone's bluetooth address to a variable in the following way


      export btaddr=dev_01_23_45_67_89_0A

      Then run the following oneliner a couple of times:



      afb-client-demo -H 'ws://localhost:30005/api?token=HELLO&uuid=magic' bluetooth-manager pair "{'device': '$btaddr'}" && \
      afb-client-demo -H 'ws://localhost:30005/api?token=HELLO&uuid=magic' bluetooth-manager connect "{'device': '$btaddr'}" && \
      afb-client-demo -H 'ws://localhost:30005/api?token=HELLO&uuid=magic' bluetooth-manager disconnect "{'device': '$btaddr'}" && \
      afb-client-demo -H 'ws://localhost:30005/api?token=HELLO&uuid=magic' bluetooth-manager remove_device "{'device': '$btaddr'}"

      and after each run accept the pairing request on the phone.


        1. journal.up2.txt
          424 kB
        2. duplicate_bluetooth_entries.jpg
          4.51 MB
        3. dmesg.up2.txt
          67 kB
        4. bluetooth.service.log
          0.9 kB
        5. agl-service-bluetooth.log
          9 kB
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            edi.feschiyan Edi Feschiyan
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