HTML5 app fails to run from AGL Homescreen
is blocked by
jose bollo September 28, 2018 at 8:24 AM
Solved with restrictions. Need a better integration with WebRuntime.
Should look at WAM (Web Application Manager) of WebOS of LG adapted to AGL.
jose bollo August 20, 2018 at 12:17 PM
Most of the work is now in master. But the restrictions of use because of the shared process model and Smack makes it not obvious to use.
jose bollo July 26, 2018 at 12:15 PMEdited
Today, I refreshed the work I did to run HTML applications from the HomeScreen.
The blockers are now removed and my work was able to run after being rebased on top matser (that implied to move from AGL/meta-agl to AGL/meta-agl-demo).
Despite this good result there are issues:
I'am able to run one application but not two nor three
After going back to homescreen, recalling the apps fails
So run once and after that you're over and have to restart!
I can explain (1) by the combination of Smack protection and Shared Process Model. We know that this is expected to be an issue. We know that some work has to be done to handle that correctly. It may include switching to LG webruntime or any tuned webruntime.
About (2) I have not explanation at the moment.
For reviewing that work, please pull the branch sandbos/jobol/html5 of the repository AGL/meta-agl-demo
Harunobu Kurokawa April 27, 2018 at 10:51 AM
runxdg communicate between WM/HS (hmi-framework) and native app(e.g. xdg app /chromium).
To call hmi-framework API
To launch xdg app
Then, I think there is 2 issue.
id-agent is not working yet. After that it launch from runxdg . is need to preloaded. (R-Car only?)
jose bollo April 27, 2018 at 10:37 AM
hum yes you are right the HTML5 app doesn't calls the window manager and that is the reason to try to use XDG support. I had forgot that point...
Since latest development of the windowmanager and ivi-shell on weston, the previously running HTML5 applications are now broken. The use of QTWebEngine as a quick hack for a web runtime engine doesn't works.
I actually can see 3 main reasons for the issue:
weak support of xdg-shell within AGL
no fallback to xdg-shell for QT apps (It is enforce to use IVI-shell but QtWebEngine doesn't use the libwindowmanager)
integration of OpenGL within QT