
      I just pushed https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/16855 to FF.

      This introduces a workaround at 4A level: the startup is delayed until the BT device and Bluetooth-Manager are available. And if no BT is detected, the script tries to bail out as early as possible (8 secs max if no BT is detected).

      So we need now some help to validate the solution on the boards for FF.

      This table is to be updated to fill the test results:

      Board BT Adapter Assignee Result
      H3+KF KF sdesneux PASS
      H3 Asus USB Dongle sdesneux PASS
      H3 None sdesneux PASS
      M3+KF KF Jon PASS
      M3 CinolinkCSR BC8510Usb Dongle Jon PASS
      M3 None Jon PASS
      Minnowboard Turbot XXXX Usb Dongle mranostay PASS
      Minnowboard Turbot None mranostay PASS
      Minnowboard MAX  Asus USB Dongle sdesneux PASS
      Minnowboard MAX None sdesneux PASS



      How to validate: after bootup, run:

      journalctl | grep 4AWAITBT

      This will give the result of wait loop (the script 4a_wait_bt.sh introduced in the W/A). When BT is enabled, the last line should be:

      {{ 4AWAITBT 4A now starting... }}

      Otherwise (no BT controller), it should be:



      To check if 4A BT audio is enabled:

      journalctl u afm-service-agl-service-audio-4a*@0.service --no-pager -p4 | grep "No bluetooth receiver detected"

       There should be no ouput. If you see a warning message with "No bluetooth receiver detected", it means that BT audio is disabled (it should be if we don't have any BT adapter)


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            sdesneux Stephane Desneux
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